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WARNING: the wine cooler is NOT a fridge!
Who has not thought of using the wine cooler as a fridge?


WARNING: the wine cooler is NOT a fridge!
Who has not thought of using the wine
cooler as a fridge?
Nothing could be more wrong!

The main function of a wine cooler is storing our favourite wines correctly and not to cool
them down.
As everyone knows, wine does not like typically happens temperature
fluctuations in our homes.
Only in the right climate wine preserves its taste and aroma.

The bottles must be laid down horizontally. That allows the wine to stay in contact with
his cork. This creates a natural humidity in the wine cooler.
The perforated shelves increases the internal ventilation. The presence of one or more fans
is important too. They guarantee a uniform air circulation and consequently a constant
temperature in the wine cooler.

Note that the ideal temperature for wine storage is a stable temperature between
10° C and 16° C, even better if between 14° C and 15 ° C.

DATRON helps you to drink wine at its perfect temperature:
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